Single Graphic Code

Cut and Past the code belows and insert it into your webpage replacing _ID_HERE_ with your ring ID, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS with..your e-mail address, and YOUR NAME with..well..your name. This MUST be complete to be accepted into the webring

<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="center"><HR SIZE="1"> <FONT SIZE="2" FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"> <a href="" target=_parent> <img src="HOMEPAGE_RING_LOGO" ALT="El-Hazard Ring" border=0></a><br> [<a href=";id=_ID_HERE_;action=next">Next</a>] [<a href=";id=_ID_HERE_;action=skip">Skip Next</a>]<br> [<a href=";id=_ID_HERE_;action=prev">Previous</a>] [<a href=";id=_ID_HERE_;action=next5">Next 5 Sites</a>] </FONT><HR SIZE="1"> </TD> </TR></TABLE>
This will look like...

El-Hazard Ring
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The available Single Graphic Code graphics are...

By The World of Genesis:

By The Casual Otaku:

By El-Hazard Webring:

Please change the name of the graphic in the ring code. If you don't, it's worthless having the picture. Tripod will NOT allow image sharing. You must save the graphic(s) to your own server.